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Principal Message

As I walk in the school in the morning every day, I can hear the chatter of eager minds, shout of excitements from the victorious athletes and the melodious sound of boys & girls in the morning assembly which shows that our school is a one where we can easily observe the unity in the diversity.

        Our motto is “To Learn and Excel “in all fields of life. As a leading school, our endeavor is to raise the self confidence of every child by his/her excellent academic performance, communication skills, high moral values, creativity, self belief with endurance and perseverance .We strive hard not only to impart knowledge to the students but also to incubate the wisdom comprehension and humanitarian spirit.


         Our mission is to continue to develop this school and students with best opportunities and best all-round education. Our vision is to produce smart and confident citizen to India with quality of leadership, innovative nature, scientific spirit, Zeal to protect the cultural heritage, patriotism and comparative spirit to excel in all fields and make the country strong.